A Revolutionary Booking App for Realtors and Vendors

RealT Booking Email Marketing Campaign

RealTBooking is an app seeking to streamline appointment scheduling for realtors and vendors. Our email marketing campaigns bond educational elements with helpful tips to engage, attract, and retain users.


Since the RealT Booking app launch, it’s been mission-critical to provide segmented email subscribers with quick, digestible content that highlights the key features of this tool. Through careful planning that blends design and copy, we’ve achieved this for both realtors and vendors.

Built With

Nailing content voice and informational flow informed our approach to visuals in Figma mockups. Our design team integrated the copy alongside the guidance of the client before moving all four emails into Mailchimp. Each email was also optimized for desktop and mobile users.

Key Considerations

  • Custom Content Calendar
  • Interactive Design Elements
  • Dynamic and Seamless Brand Recognition
  • Performance Analytics and Optimization

Custom Content Calendar

RealTBooking includes a segmented initial email, one sent to realtors and another sent to vendors, and an interim follow-up two weeks later to keep the app top of mind. This required considerate planning and a detailed content calendar to balance new details with consistent messaging.

Interactive Design Elements

Part of our goals with this email marketing campaign included supporting the entire subscriber experience, taking them directly from the email to the app with ease. This included walkthrough features like videos, screengrabs, and gifs to demonstrate the intuitive nature of RealTBooking while reinforcing the concept of straightforward booking.

Key Stats

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We build beautiful websites that perform. Explore real data on the performance of this website since launch.

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